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Multicultural Education

| September 10, 2023 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-09-09T22:24:45Z - Pluralism is a consequence of religious freedom or free thinking. Pluralism is a form of freedom to be different itself. The Qur'an asks humans to use their minds, asks humans to use their conscience and similar things. This shows that it is not automatic that if you use all the good scientific tools you will come to the same conclusion. Statements in the Qur'an such as: "afala ya'kiluun, afala ya'lamuun, afala tadzakaruun, afala tafakaruun" and so on give a signal that the results of tafakur, conclusions of devotion and all the like are not automatically the same.

Because God ordained eternal pluralism in terms of civilization, systems and laws (QS 5: 48.69), no society is truly single (unitary), without any elements of difference within it. In fact, with the existence of differences, unity can occur, as Allah SWT says: "And We have sent down to you the Koran bringing the truth, confirming what was before, namely the books (which were revealed previously) and the touchstone for other books. That. So decide their cases according to what Allah has revealed and do not follow their desires by abandoning the truth that has come to you. For each of you, We give you rules and a clear path. If Allah had willed, He would have made you one people (only), but Allah will test you regarding what He has given you, so compete with each other to do good deeds. Only to Allah will you all return, then He will tell you what you have disputed about." (QS 5: 48)

Muslims are obliged to uphold the unity and integrity of the Ummah through this pluralism, as the word of Allah SWT means: "And hold all of you to the rope (religion) of Allah, and do not become divided." (QS 3: 103). Even though communities are different in terms of institutions, they have "the same sense of humanity", namely the same sense of humanity, justice, concern for the bad environment, helping marginalized people. For this reason, education is needed that places greater emphasis on the theological side, which is the source of high al-aql (semi-divine reasoning) and which connects the world of absolute universality and unique-relative particularity.

Departing from cultural pluralism, education management departs from a belief that every member of society has their own construct regarding the cultural identity they choose. Education opens up recognition and openness for society to express symbols and emblems of cultural particularity. In the context of the necessity to accept the diversity of societal constructs originating from background values, beliefs and culture, ethnicity, ideology and religion (Muchtar Buchori, 1995). Education must provide space for society to enter the flow of social transformation that demands egalitarianism, democracy and justice amidst cultural plurality

In Islamic society, multicultural education becomes a medium for fostering a set of pluralistic values. In addition to raising awareness of differences, it is important to foster equality values ​​by developing that everyone has the same basic rights, regardless of differences in race, gender, age, capabilities, religious beliefs, political affiliations. , nationality, region and their background. Recognition of equal basic rights is realized by instilling the values ​​of social responsibility and shared responsibility as humans, which can encourage an open attitude for everyone to participate in social and political processes, namely in solving problems and creating the common good.

Islamic thinkers need to continue mobilizing the masses by emphasizing the main cultural differences between Islamic and non-Islamic societies who see religion as the working principle of community solidarity. Islam provides the same direction and the same set of values ​​with the affirmation of Islam as a unique and important system to maintain the authenticity of Islamic pluralism and differentiate it from non-Islamic values. The Islamic literature on pluralism is built on continuing to project a vision to overcome problems and protect all Muslims and also people living in Muslim countries.

Author: Ninik Qurotul Aini
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