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Leadership in Islam

| September 22, 2023 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-09-22T13:50:33Z - Leadership is a field of research and also a practical skill that includes the ability of a person or an organization to "lead" or guide other people, teams, or entire organizations.

Reflecting on the pattern of leadership of the Prophet Muhammad, there are four characteristics of leadership, namely: shidiq (honest), amanah (trustworthy and reliable), fathonah (smart, knowledgeable) and tabligh (communicative and communicative). In the Islamic concept, everyone is a leader and everyone must be accountable for their actions to fellow human beings and God in the hereafter. The existence of this accountability implies that a leader at any level and position undoubtedly carries out a mandate that must be carried out in accordance with the mandate holder (QS 4: 58).

Islam teaches that humans should always remember Allah, because their hearts will be at peace, so that Allah will give them taufiq on an easy path in life (QS 13: 28, 87: 8-10). What is meant by the easy path here is the path that leads to happiness, including fulfilling human needs in the world, while still paying attention to seeking "Ishlah" among humans and the command that humans always think about the distant future until the afterlife.

Islam teaches work as a sign of gratitude to Allah and in seeking happiness in the afterlife, but not forgetting worldly happiness (QS 28: 77, 34: 13), most of what humans enjoy is from the results of their efforts (QS 36: 35). A good leader according to Islamic views is one who carries out a good program and has a good mentality, in accordance with Allah's commands (QS 21: 73)

The behavior of people who believe and are pious is pleasant and noble behavior. Because people who believe and are devout will always do good. Allah guarantees the self-control of the pious person, because wherever he is, he feels watched over by Allah (QS 57: 4). So strongly do pious people feel supervision from Allah, so that their closeness to Allah's power is felt so close, closer than their jugular veins (QS 50: 16)

Believers and pious people will not be able to do damage on earth. This is possible because in his behavior he will manifest five main characteristics, namely having qualities that Allah and His Messenger like, his behavior will have an introspective nature, reflect his nature in controlling his passions, reflect a high level of social concern, be active in understanding the sunnatullah . But accompanied by an attitude of gratitude, open-minded and big-hearted.

Author : Ninik Qurotul Aini
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