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LAZIS AL-AMANAH: Cares for Orphans, Dhuafa and People

| September 26, 2023 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-09-25T23:42:26Z - Alhamdulillahirobbil 'alamin, praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah SWT who has given guidance and abundance of grace to the people on this earth. Humans as khalifaullah in daily life are always related to three things, namely with Allah SWT (habluminallah), with fellow human beings (habluminannas) and with the universe.

Hablumminallah is realized in the implementation of worship (devotion) only to Allah and carried out with mahdhoh worship. Apart from that, Allah SWT has also provided guidance so that fellow humans live side by side by prioritizing mutual respect and mutual assistance in togetherness and brotherhood through zakat, infaq and shodaqoh (ZIS) and other good deeds that are ghoiru mahdhoh.

According to the meaning of the Shari'a, an orphan is a child who has not reached puberty and is abandoned by his father because he has died, while an orphan is defined as a child whose mother has died. Dhuafa are people who are economically weak and live in powerlessness, poverty and disability. People belonging to this group include orphans, the poor, widows, disabled people, slaves, and abandoned people.

In Islam, caring for orphans is a noble deed. In fact, orphans are mentioned 23 times in the Qur'an. Allah SWT said, “Do you know someone who denies religion. That is someone who rebukes an orphan and does not recommend giving food to the poor (QS Al Ma'un: 1-3), and preaching is carried out with wisdom and good teaching (QS An Nahl: 125)

The reward for caring for orphans, the poor and the people: 1) will enter heaven, as in HR Al-Bukhari, "That I and the people who care for orphans properly will be in heaven, like the index finger close to the middle finger, then the Prophet raised his hand and showed his index finger and middle finger, then he stretched it”, 2) repaired the affairs of the world and the hereafter, as in HR Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, “People who are merciful, will be loved by Ar Rohman (The Most Merciful) Tabaaroka wata' ala. Love those on earth and those in the sky will love you." 

LAZIS AL AMANAH (Al Amanah Ied Mubarok Foundation) with Notarial Deed: Eka Puji Setiyarini, SH., M.Kn No. 03, SK. Ministry of Law and Human Rights: No. AHU-0014981.AH.01.04, 09-04-2020, SK. Bakesbangpol : No. BP.02.3.4_2/418.62/III/2023, Ministry of Religion No. Statistics: 411235061701, NPWP: 95,883,527.4-655,000 located on Jl. Lesti II RT.02 RW.15 Pelem – Pare – Kediri - East Java, Telephone: 083877310009, 083834353153, E-mail:, Website:, No. Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) account: 7600012317, Bank Central Asia (BCA): 2980975498 On behalf of: Yayasan Amanah Ied Mubarok

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