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Islamic Civilization

| September 22, 2023 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-09-22T12:31:54Z - Islam is one of the majority religions in the history of human civilization. The beginning of Islamic teachings appeared in 610 AD with the Prophet Muhammad, who brought the message and perfected the religions brought by the previous prophets and apostles. Then it was continued by four friends, known as khulafaur rasyidin, namely Abu Bakar, Umar bin Khathab, Uthman bin Affan and Ali bin Abi Talib.

Then Islam entered the era of dynasties that used a monarchy system. Starting with the Umayyad Dynasty who led in Damascus. Islamic civilization is increasingly developing and leaving behind legacies in various fields of life, including in the fields of science, military and weaponry and architecture ( These relics include mosques, forts, ancient manuscripts, Islamic boarding schools, and so on.

The cultural transformation caused or caused by Islam in Indonesia seems to be mainly caused by the introduction of new values, namely: 1) Islam sets for human life a goal that exists in another world. Life in this world is not a goal, but rather a path to achieving eternal happiness, 2) by establishing that each human being is responsible for his or her own fate in the next world, this belief has completed, or at least advanced the individuation process legally and morally in a very meaningful way, 3) by emphasizing the importance of society in relation to the implementation of several basic religious obligations for each Muslim, Islam emphasizes the need for a political organization that regulates social life.

The Islamic Commonwealth requires the implementation of the teachings of the faith, must enable and guarantee their proper implementation. Islamic organizations - both traditional and modern - and their policies in the ideal sense must be justified by religious considerations by the Ulema Council.

Author: Ninik Qurotul Aini
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