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Islam : The Political Alliance of Ulama' and the Government

| September 06, 2023 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-09-06T08:47:07Z - Islam is a perfect religion and is blessed by Allah SWT, as the word of Allah SWT which means: "Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My favors on you, and I have approved Islam as a religion for you .” (QS. 5: 3)

Islam is a complete system for the kingdom of the heavens, the unseen world, and the human world, as well as the political and managerial world that is palpable and its implementation as a complete religion only occurs in a country, place and its own geography and which occurs because of national and national loyalties that are united with dimensions of Islamic loyalty in general. National loyalty is one of the steps of Muslim people's loyalty to Islam, which is a development system, so the way for security to establish Islamic teachings or realize the social security for humans that Islam desires, is with a safe state, which becomes a place where people seek their Islamic security. , in which Islam embodies security for humans.

The reason for the existence (raison d'etre) of the Islamic political community (M. Imarah, 2001) is to ensure peaceful coexistence between its members. The state will comply with sharia which is not imposed, but is a true expression of the will of the people because they choose to live in accordance with Islam and obey sharia according to conscience, voluntarily and sincerely. Punishment for public offenses, going against society or against oneself is not considered as acts of social coercion, but is seen as an act of purification and part of social cooperation that protects the worldly and spiritual happiness of society.

State regulation in religious life is carried out in the context of protecting citizens, which is related to efforts to protect public safety (public safety), public order (public order), public health (public health), public ethics and morals (public morals) and protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of others (the fundamental rights and freedom of order). For this reason, the state needs to stipulate guidelines so that each religion does not teach things that disturb public order and their health, does not teach violence (violence) to anyone and for any reason, and does not insult followers of other religions.

Freedom of belief, with the argument that there is no coercion in religion, is a very important principle in state and national life so that its meaning and consequences can be understood, both by the state and society. This principle is realized in a Law (UU) that covers freedom of belief, where the Law is needed to protect citizens from acts of discrimination, exploitation and religious-based violence while also limiting state authority so as not to give rise to state interference in matters of faith (foundations). basis of belief), worship, religious law in general. Another aim is to make all citizens aware of their human rights as human beings with dignity in opinion, belief and religion, as well as the potentials contained behind these rights. This law must define freedom of belief and promote the values ​​of tolerance.

The forms of statehood based on monotheism are first: the state and society must be upheld on the basis of justice, second: syuro or deliberation. This principle opposes elitism which teaches that only people who become leaders (elite) are in line who know best how to manage and manage the country, while the people are nothing more than sheep who must follow the will of the elite, including the economic, political or military elite.

Politics can be interpreted as a pattern of relations between the people or society and the state government with the pattern of relations between the two parties including ideas about what actually underlies the existence of the state, the functions that the government should play, where the values ​​in society are reflected in the existence and functions of the state. , and what forms of community role and participation take in the state's function as a regulator of society. The political interactions that occur are visible from elites or community figures through political attitudes in the form of thoughts, ideas and political concepts. Apart from that, the political role of the elite is also visible from the behavior they display with an orientation that has been formed through socialization and internalization of political values, including religious values.

The process of change that occurs in the post-modernization process with an Islamic leadership approach that strives to establish an independent and strong civil society as a path to democratization by developing a number of Islamic activists who pay attention to defending the lower level of society by mobilizing leaders from Muslims with an open approach namely an alternative approach that refers to efforts to make Islam that is believed as a teaching tool that has a total and universal claim to be the main alternative in people's lives that supports top-down and bottom-up strategies both through the state and Islamic social organizations through intellectual work and pragmatic.

The relationship between Islam and bureaucracy is reciprocal, mutually beneficial (reciprocate) and mutual understanding grows. Awareness that Islam is a political factor that cannot be ruled out, among Islamic intellectuals who appear on the political stage, to support the success of development and try to provide formulations, interpretations and reflections on various societal problems in a broad sense in the format of "Islam Structural" and "Islam Cultural".

Editor : Ninik Qurotul Aini
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