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Islam is the Source of Life Welfare in the New Normal Era

| September 01, 2023 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-08-31T23:25:52Z Islam is defined as submission and obedience to the regulations of Allah SWT conveyed through the Prophet Muhammad SAW, to achieve safety and prosperity in life, both in this world and in the hereafter. The personality of Islam will reflect a sense of ukhuwah Islamiyah in which people are able to have and live up to the principles of tasamuh (tolerance), as well as being open to tausiyah (reminding one another).

Islam with its teachings for Muslims is an important source of value that is non-negotiable for the process of modernization. The process of globalization with the era of transformation in all areas of life demands clear insights about monotheism and at the same time the spirit of ijtihad and jihad (seriousness) in Islamic society.

Currently, Islam is estimated to be followed by 2.7 billion people in the world. Islamic civilization displays a suitable system, a global outlook and outlook on life for its adherents until the 21st century after the pandemic in the current new normal era. For Muslims, the socio-political system originates from modern thinking that arises from the existence of basic needs regarding Islamic personality, namely guidance from Allah, darul Islam and science and technology, where religious people are faced with various kinds of pressures in relation to post-modernization and development processes.

Welfare refers to the human condition in which people are in a state of prosperity, health and peace, both in the economic and social fields. Welfare refers to money paid by the government to people who need financial assistance, because they cannot work, or where the income received to meet basic needs is insufficient. In Islam, zakat maal, which is calculated at 2.5% of assets and wealth after being deducted by state taxes, must be issued by a Muslim who is in accordance with the nisab and haul then given to mustahiq and usually managed by amil zakat institutions. (Ninik QA)
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